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Welcome to Chain Guard Wallet
Security at its peak

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Completely Secure

Live Statistics

Automatic Backup

Complete access over your Cryptocurrencies

Chain Guard Wallet is very easy and understanding to use

Sign up for Chain Guard Wallet

Buy your crypto currencies in less than 10 mins.

Swap your tokens within the app.

Keep track of prices and charts within the app.

Managing your assets

Keep your assets safe from hackers and scammers with a re-enforced 2FA.

Easily earn interest on the crypto in your wallet.

Third Party support

You can buy crypto from our trusted third parties.

We only collect the data used in signing up, we do not sell your data.

Supported currencies

We support a variety of the top currencies and much more.


Top cryptocurrencies

This cryptocurrencies are being monitored by us

Our Mission

Buy and sell crypto on all your devices.Invest in cryptocurrencies by depositing directly from your debit card, easily and securely. Receive funds directly to your bank account with zero price volatility or risk. Get paid in Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, TRON and many more from anyone anywhere.

Our Vision

We are consistently rated the best and most secure cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. We provide world class financial stability by maintaining full reserves, healthy banking relationships and the highest standards of legal compliance.